2012年9月19日 星期三

(274) 刺激1995 (The Shawshank Redemption)一段有名的 speech

There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret.
Not because I’m in here, or because you think I should.
I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid
who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him.
I want to try and talk some sense to him,
tell him the way things are. But I can’t.
That kid’s long gone and this old man is all that’s left.
I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It’s just a bullshit word.
So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time.
Because to tell you the truth, I don’t give a shit.


上面的英文算是 Slang 了,所以有人用英文翻譯如下:

I feel regret every day.
Not because I'm in prison, or because you think I should.
I think about on the way I was then, a stupid young man
who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him.
I want to try and talk explain reality to him, to tell him the way things are. But I can't.
That young man has been gone for a long time and this old man is all that's left.
I've got to live with that. Am I rehabilitated? It's just a nonsense word.
So you go on and mark my application for parole "rejected," young man* and stop wasting my time.
Because to be honest, I don't care at all.

*"Sonny" is a disrespectful term for him to use with an adult

