2011年7月7日 星期四

(226) 初心








如果還有如果,我會希望她問 "Do you love me?" I would say, "Yes, I do".

【Sometimes When We Touch】 

A1 You ask me if I love you  你問我愛不愛你
  And I choke on my reply  吞吞吐吐我不回應
  I'd rather hurt you honestly  其實我寧可傷你心
  Than mislead you with a lie  不願說謊欺騙你
  And who am I to judge you  我沒有資格批評
  On what you say or do?  你所有的言行
  I'm only just beginning  我只不過剛開始
  to see the real you  面對你的真誠

B And sometimes when we touch  當我們彼此接觸
  The honesty's too much  莫名地真情流露
  And I have to close my eyes and hide  讓我必須閉上雙眼來掩飾
  I wanna hold you till I die  我死不放手的擁抱你
  Till we both break down and cry  直到你我崩潰哭泣
  I wanna hold you  我要抱著你
  till the fear in me subsides  直到內心空虛平息

A2 Romance and all its strategy  所有羅曼史的伎倆
  Leaves me battling with my pride  與自尊交戰而曝光
  But through the insecurity  在忐忑不安之後
  Some tenderness survives  只剩一絲絲溫柔
  I'm just another writer  我只是另一個作者
  Still trapped within my truth  被自己的真相綑綁
  A hesitant prize fighter  就像一個猶豫的拳擊手
  Still trapped within my youth  被歲月的陷阱淹沒

 (反覆 B)

C At times I'd like to break you  有時我想控制你
  And drive you to your knees  逼你臣服屈膝
  At times I'd like to break through 有時又想突破現狀
  And hold you endlessly  無止境的擁抱你

A3 At times I understand you  有時候我懂得你
  And I know how hard you've tried  你有多麼艱辛努力
  I've watched while love commands you  我看到愛情駕馭你
  And I've watched love pass you by  也看到你錯過愛情
  At times I think we're drifters  我想我們都是流浪漢
  Still searching for a friend  在尋找一個知己
  A brother or a sister  情同手足的知己
  But then the passion flares again  但是那激情又再燃起

 (反覆 B)

歌詞中譯‧填詞/林兮 2009/12/13上午 更新

