2010年5月17日 星期一

(30) 蘇打綠 - 無眠

這是蘇打綠,“夏/狂熱 FEVER“專輯中,我最喜歡的一首歌。願以這首歌,送給生日的妳... 希望妳能聽見。有人說,我們在這首歌裡找到了心裡的傷口,才發現它其實一直都在,只是被我們聰明的遺忘了。

無眠 (Sleepless)

今阿日月娘那這呢光 (今天的月亮那麼亮)
Today the moon is so bright.
照著阮歸暝攏未凍睏 (照得我整夜都不能睡)
Shining on me and making me sleepless through the night
(The bright moon keeps me awake tonight)

今阿日:今天 月娘:月亮 這呢:這麼 光:亮
阮:我 歸暝:整夜 攏:都 未凍:不能 睏:睡

連頭毛都沒休睏 (連頭髮都沒有休息)
Even my hair isn't resting
(Even than my hair refuses to lie down)

頭毛:頭髮 休睏:休息

你甘知阮對你的思念 (你怎麼知道我對你的思念)
How would you know that I miss you
(Do you know how much I miss you?)


希望你有同款的夢 (希望你有同樣的夢)
I hope you have the same dream
(I wish you would have the same dreams)


咱兩人做陣返來那一天 (我們兩人一起回來的那一天)
The day that we both return together
(Where we were together)

咱:我們 作陣:一起

互相依偎的情愛 (相互依靠的情愛)
With a love where we lean on and support each other
(Where we would cuddle and love)

底你的心肝內 (在你的心裡面)
Inside your heart
是不是還有我的存在 (是不是還有我的存在)
Do I still exist?
(Am I still in your heart?)

永遠攏底等 (永遠都在等)
I'm forever waiting
有時陣嘛會不甘願 (有時候也會不情願)
And feeling indignant at times.
(Sometimes I feel too defeated to keep on waiting)


想講要作伙飛 (想說要一起飛)
I feel like saying I want us to fly together
去一個心中美麗的所在 (去一個心中美麗的地方)
To a beautiful place in our hearts
(I want to fly to a beautiful land with you)


所有的一切 (所有的一切)
With everything
攏總尬你放作夥 (都總把你放在一起)
All of it placed with you
(I want to share all I have with you)


希望你 會當了解 (希望你 可以瞭解)
I hope you can understand
(I wish you could see)


今阿日月娘那這呢光 (今天的月亮那麼亮)
Today the moon is so bright
照著阮歸暝攏未凍睏 (照得我整夜都不能睡)
Shining on me and making me sleepless
(The moon's so bright tonight that keeps me awake)

親像魚死底花園 (就像魚死在花園 or 就像當時在花園)
Like a dying fish in a garden
(I'm like a fish dying by flowers)

你甘知阮對你的思念 (你怎麼知道我對你的思念)
How would you know that I miss you
(Do you know how much I miss you?)

希望你有同款的夢 (希望你有同樣的夢)
I hope you have the same dream
(I wish you would have the same dreams)

咱兩人做陣返來那一天 (我們兩人一起回來的那一天)
The day that we both return together
(Where we were together)

互相依偎的情愛 (相互依靠的情愛)
With a love where we lean on and support each other
(Where we would cuddle and love)

底你的心肝內 (在你的心裡面)
是不是還有我的存在 (是不是還有我的存在)
Am I still in your heart?

永遠攏底等 (永遠都在等)
有時陣嘛會不甘願 (有時候也會不情願)
Sometimes I feel too defeated to keep on waiting

想講要作伙飛 (想說要一起飛)
去一個心中美麗的所在 (去一個心中美麗的地方)
I want to fly to a beautiful land with you

所有的一切 (所有的一切)
攏總尬你放作夥 (都總把你放在一起 )
I want to share everything with you

希望你 會當了解 (希望你 可以瞭解)
I wish you could see

我不管多少時間 (我不管多少時間)
多少目屎多少失望來忍耐 (多少眼淚 多少失望來忍耐)
I don't care how much time, how many tears, how much disappointment it takes to get through it
(I don't care the time, tears, or disappointments I have to go though)


我不管你當時會返來 (我不管你甚麼時候會回來)
I don't care when you'll return
(I don't care if you will be back)


其實我嘛不知影 為怎樣為怎樣憨憨等待 (其實我也不知道 為什麼為什麼傻傻等待)
Actually I don't know why either, why I'm waiting like a fool
(Actually I don't even know why I can't stop waiting like a fool)

你 是我唯一的愛 (你是我唯一的愛)
You are my only love.
(You're my only love)

底你的心肝內 (在你的心裡面)
是不是還有我的存在 (是不是還有我的存在)
Am I still in your heart?

永遠攏底等 (永遠都在等)
有時陣嘛會不甘願 (有時候也會不情願)
Sometimes I feel too defeated to keep on waiting

想講要作伙飛 (想說要一起飛)
去一個心中美麗的所在 (去一個心中美麗的地方)
I want to fly to a beautiful land with you

所有的一切 (所有的一切)
攏總尬你放作夥 (都總把你放在一起)
I want to share everything with you

希望你 會當了解 (希望你 可以瞭解)
I wish you could see

為著你 我一定等 (為了你 我一定等)
I will always wait for you

