2010年9月23日 星期四

(132) 秋分,望



Lisa 是我們吃飯的朋友。長安和我偶爾會抽空在中午找 Lisa 與 Phoebe 去吃吃飯,聊聊八卦。Phoebe 是友達 VIP 的秘書,我們聯詠是友達的客戶,所以長安總笑著說,我們是在做客戶服務,陪客戶吃飯。Lisa 就是陪客啦!

Lisa 是聯電時期的同事,memory SBU 的 product engineer,同她的姓一樣,是個包打聽。Phoebe 是中山大學外文系的學妹。和他們比較熟是他們後來在專利室的那段期間,我申請的一些專利,常跑專利室,也就混熟了。長安在聯電業務部時就認識了 Lisa,後來在友達和Phoebe 熟識的。就這樣,在長安從友達來聯詠後,四個認識的朋友就變成了吃飯的朋友。

和 Lisa 最後一次吃飯是去年十月底,我從聯詠離職時,四位朋友在一起歡送。那時,Lisa 還有說有笑地談著八卦。想她這麼樂觀,應該可以熬過來吧!


聽完,心情很沉重。唉,人真的很脆弱... 任何事都可能發生。

想到了她... 如國我走了,有甚麼可以留給她。就這 blog 吧!Blog 放了許多她不知道的事,只要她能尋得。

若要懷念和我們說笑的 Lisa,那就聽聽紅蘭的演講吧!只要用這個聲音說說聯電同事的八卦,那就是她了!記得第一次在收音機裏,聽到洪蘭的聲音,找到了 聲音口氣像 Lisa 的人了。

這是在網上找的她之前的狀況 http://www.catholic.org.tw/shulin/legionmary/prayfor.html

2010/09/18 請為主內姊妹籃宗玉的好友鮑筱芬女士祈禱,她因鼻竇癌近日狀況惡化,目前正在台大加護病房與病魔纏鬥....祈求天主保佑/守護筱芬姊妹,給她力量讓她渡過這個難關。 煩請台北區團所屬支團派團員陪同神師,抽空就近前往台大加護病房關心、探望。 (陳國明代轉)
2010/09/28: 鮑筱芬女士已於今天前蒙主恩召,請大家為她的靈魂祈禱,祈求仁慈的天父,減輕她的罪罰,早登天鄉。

1 則留言:

  1. I want to say hello to you. First, I was Lisa's classmate in the university times. I remember her. I always remember her.
    When I was a university situdent, Lisa show her childhood pictures for me. She is very cute when she was a child. She is a such a beautiful woman in the world.
    In Summer vocation, a lot of classmates came to my hometown. She was one of my classmates to go to my mountain house. She played game cards with my classmates. She slept in one of big room in my mountain house. I remember.
    I manageed a travel tour to Juipeter"s home in Tainanese farm house, she also went with the tour of our classmates. We have a good times.
    One day, I went to her renting room with my classmate to say hello to her and we talk a lot.
    When we were gratuated from university, we classmates went Kent-Ting National Park to travel. She also went with us. She was scared because I was the first time to drive in the superhighway 1. Haha
    I like her.
    After my Army, She wrote a letter to me which said She was in Union Electronic Company. My father told me to marry her. But I was puer at that time. I also wrote a letter to her. That's all.
    I also remember her.
    Thanks a lot that you tell me. I knowed this death 4 days ago. I also like you to remember Lisa.
