2010年6月24日 星期四

(66) Andrea Bocelli - Bésame Mucho 深情的吻

原本找這首歌是想送給學西班牙語的女生。這首歌曲好久了,應該小時候就聽過了,但是沒辦法和任何事物連結在一起。大三時,去了文藻的校慶。聽到西語系的學生們高興地唱著這歌,從來不知這首歌歌詞寫了些甚麼,只覺得這歌好浪漫。這裏,人事時地物,有了第一次的連結。Bésame Mucho將時光拉回到青澀的學生時期。

上網找到了歌詞,歌詞卻讓我回到 1988 年 1 月 23 日,一個週六的晚上。一個分手的晚上。


Bésame Mucho
Kiss me a lot

(lyrics are written by Consuelo Velasquez)

Bésame, bésame mucho
Como si fuera esta noche
La última vez

Bésame: kiss
mucho: much
Como: as
si: if
fuera: away
esta: this
noche: night
la: the
última: last
vez: time

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
As if tonight was
the last time.


Bésame, bésame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después

que: that
tengo: I have
miedo: fear
a: to
perderte: missing
después: after

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
Because I fear to lose you,
To lose you later on.


Bésame, bésame mucho
Como si fuera esta noche
La última vez

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
As if tonight was
the last time.


Bésame, bésame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
Because I fear to lose you,
To lose you later on.


Quiero tenerte muy cerca
Mirarme en tus ojos
Verte junto a mi
Piensa que tal vez mañana
Yo ya estaré lejos
Muy lejos de ti

quiero: I want
tenerte: have you
muy: very
cerca: close
mirarme: watch me
en: in
tus: your
ojos: eyes
verte: see
junto: together
a: to
mi: myself
piensa: think
que: that
tal: such
vez: time
mañana: moring
yo: I
ya: already
estaré: I will
lejos: far
muy: very
de: of
ti: you

I want to have you very close
To see myself in your eyes,
To see you next to me,
Think that perhaps tomorrow
I already will be far,
very far from you.

我想面對著你 看著你

Bésame, bésame mucho
Como si fuera esta noche
La última vez

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
As if tonight was
the last time.


Bésame, bésame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
Because I fear to lose you,
To lose you later on.

Bésame, bésame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después

Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
Because I fear to lose you,
To lose you again.


Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después

Because I fear to lose you,
To lose you later on.


這是~ -Bésame Mucho- 經典的西班牙名曲《無盡的吻》(Bésame Mucho)一直在電影裡反覆出現,動人的旋律穿透戲裡戲外,迴盪在所有寂寞的心房。 歌名"Bésame Mucho"的Bésame為「吻」的意思,Mucho是「多一點」,翻譯成中文便為「多吻我一遍」。這是一首寫給所有渴望被愛的人的歌曲,誕生於1940年二戰背景下,由一位墨西哥作曲家康蘇爾洛薇拉斯柯絲(Consuelo Velazquez)在她十六歲生日之前所寫成。 據薇拉斯柯絲描述,她在寫這首歌時還沒體會過接吻的感覺,她的靈感來自於1916年的西班牙歌劇《戈雅之畫》(Goyescas)一曲由安立奎葛拉納多斯(Enrique Granados)所演唱的詠嘆調〈嘆息,瑪哈與夜鶯〉(Quejas, o la Maja y el Ruiseñor)。當時這首細訴愛與離開的歌曲,貼切地唱出因戰爭而不得不分離的情侶心聲,在1944年引起了極大的迴響,並登上美國音樂排行榜第一的位置。 《無盡的吻》無疑是西班牙歌曲的經典之最!據統計,這首歌自1940年誕生至今,已在世界各國播放了好幾百萬次,高達一千多種版本,許多知名歌手,包括爵士歌王納京高(Nat King Cole)、希臘國寶歌后娜娜(Nana Mouskouri)、葛萊美歌王法蘭克辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)、不朽巨星貓王(Elvis Presley)、搖滾天團披頭四(Beatles), 世界男高音多明哥(Placido Domingo)、盲人歌神安德烈波伽利(Andrea Bocelli)…等曠世巨星都傳唱過這首歌曲。 許多電影原聲帶也都曾收錄過這首經典歌曲,像是【亞歷桑那夢遊】、【烈愛風雲】、【蒙娜麗莎的微笑】、【大公司小老闆】、【鴻孕當頭】等膾炙人口的電影,在在證明了這首歌曲深入人心、無遠弗屆的魅力。在【罪愛】一片裡,《無盡的吻》悠悠地、靜靜地流淌全片,為安妮卡和史丹尼斯拉夫的戀曲畫下一個絕美的註記,留給觀眾無限的想像空間。 《無盡的吻/Bésame Mucho》

Besame Mucho 英文版

Besame besame mucho
Each time I bring you a kiss
I hear music divine
So besame besame mucho
I love you forever
Say that you'll always be mine

Dearest one, if you should leave me
Then each little dream will take wings
And my life would be through
Oh besame besame mucho
Ooh I love you forever
You make all my dreams come true

Ooh this joy is something new
My arms they're holding you
I never knew this thrill before
Who ever thought I'd be
Holding you close to me
Whispering, "It's you I adore"

Yes so dearest one, if you should leave me
Then each little dreams will take wings
And my life would be through
Oh so besame besame mucho
Yeah I love you forever
Make all my dreams come true

Ooh this joy is something new
My arms are holding you
I never knew this thrill before
Who ever thought I'd be
Holding you close to me
Whispering, "it's you I adore"

Oh so dearest one, if you should leave me
Then each little dream will take wings
And my life would be through
Oh so besame besame mucho
I love you forever
Make all my dreams come true
Ooh love you for ever
Make all my dreams come true
Ooh love you for ever
Make all my dreams come true

